Welcome to the world of Sphaera


My name is Sapien the Wise and I will be your guide…

You have come to a place where day to day reality blurs and fades into the background of your mind. The mystical world of Sphaera, my home world, now becomes your new reality.  Stay here and explore for as long as you wish. Everyone from your Earth is welcome so come along and enjoy…


Master Sage of Altus

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sapien the Wise, twelfth Master Sage of Altus by that name. I am keeper of all recorded knowledge on Sphaera and have access to the combined wisdom of every sage on our world. It falls upon me to also be your guide and translator, telling you the stories of my realm and teaching you our ways. At some point, I may reveal what the connection between our two worlds is. For now, let me introduce you to Sphaera through my first story The Covetous Nature of Dragons.



Sphaera is a world of magical wonder…

…filled with exotic creatures and intelligent beings of every size, shape, and color. Our continents are vast and our waterways are many.

The midling races of Sphaera rule the planet from diverse kingdoms filled with amazing people. On Sphaera, midlings refer to the races of men, elves, dwarves, halflings, orcs, and any combinations of two. It is forbidden in many kingdoms for humans to breed with halflings as the resulting brood is almost always deformed. In many kingdoms, it also forbidden to mate with orcs. The offspring of orc and any other race typically produces an unloved child. A wild child, that does not typically respect the rule of law. Most often those halfbreeds are cast out and they join the rank of orc armies that attack the lawful kingdoms of the realm.

The most incredible and magical creatures call Sphaera home. You sometimes refer to them as monsters, but the Balance defines them as what they truly are…inhabitants of this planet that all have a place and a reason for being here. Every single monster that you have ever imagined and many more live on Sphaera in one location or another. Would you like to know why? After all, there is a direct relationship between your world and mine. Read deeper and perhaps you will figure it out.

Have you ever held an intelligent vorpal sword that casts spells on its own and is connected to you through your soul? We have weapons such as this on Sphaera. Here, on my world, we use a precious metal called vorril that is used to build vorpal swords and many other magical items. Vorpal swords are the sharpest and vorpal maces hit the hardest. Once forged, vorpal weapons are then enchanted by dark elven magic. The immortal souls of dead mages have been magically implanted in these weapons. Other ancient magics are also used to enchant such weapons. The dark elves of Onix are masters of the craft.

One last note. Beware the ancient lords of Sphaera. They are timeless watchers that possess unlimited powers. These gods are worshipped in one way or another, and by one type of creature or another, in an effort to gain favor and power. When you visit my world, you must be respectful of such beings always. I will inform you of who they are and what they represent in the many stories that I provide to you.

Once again, please visit the BLOG to find all free content. Then go to the STORE and buy all the epic fantasy tales that occur on Sphaera throughout its rich history, and as told by me, Sapien the Wise.





I will tell you a story.

Every couple of months I will post a story to this website. You will need to pay for this story, but I promise it will be worth the cost. Through my stories you will experience a world of fantasy and delight. Readers will immerse themselves in mystic tales of evil dragons and the mighty kings that slay them. Tales of good versus evil where good does not always win.

Please continue to visit the store as I add additional stories, shirts, and exotic tapestries with incredible images designed to please. In the beginning, there will be one novelette titled The Covetous Nature of Dragons. As you devour that, I will give you more. Frequent content will be added to the blog, providing additional color to existing stories and answering other questions you may have.

Through you, I will build my fortune on your world. In return, I will thrill and excite every last one of you.




The Covetous Nature of Dragons

Three ancient red dragons, their fiery maws dripping with volcanic doom, face off against the mightiest king on Sphaera and his most powerful warriors.

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The Adagnition Repository

Free stories about the world of Sphaera.

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Adagnition Repository

Earth Translation - BLOG


It was a cloudy rain-filled day in the dying season we call Evanide and everyone in the village seemed to be infected by the bad weather. The word “hello” seemed as though it didn’t exist and not a single smile graced the faces of those that walked around me as I...

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The five elven houses of Sphaera are five distinct and separate races ruled by the strongest family of each house.

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If you can...


Thank you for spending time learning about the fantastic world of Sphaera. If you require additional information on me or my world please use this form to contact me indirectly.


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